
Wide Eyes (shuffle poem game)

Wide Eyes

There are times that walk from you like some passing afternoon
Well, I know where you've been

Up with your turret

 Wait dear, a white horse is walking down my street here
And when I see you I really see you upside down
So this is what you meant
As I walk to the end of the line

Oh, some evil spirit (source: angryboar.com

  • Wide Eyes - Local Natives
  • Passing Afternoon - Iron & Wine
  • Don't Make Me Sad - The Feeling
  • Rosyln - Bon Iver & St. Vincent
  • Stars And Boulevard - Augustana
  • A Lack Of Color - Death Cab For Cutie
  • It's Time - Imagine Dragon
  • Blue Sky Collapse - Adhitia Sofyan

Diambil dari kalimat pertama lagu-lagu di atas.


Mana yang lebih dulu ada?

Halo.. :D

Jadi waktu itu pas pulang sekolah saya, Iren, Gigih, dan Rizki Dwi diskusi nggak jelas gitu deh.. Hahaha. Awalnya gara-gara Rizki Dwi nanya, lebih dulu telur atau ayam? Pertanyaan klasik banget dan jawabannya pun setiap orang pasti beda-beda.

Ada yang jawab telur, karena si penanya menyebutkan telur terlebih dahulu. Berarti kalau dia nanyanya "Lebih dulu ayam atau telur?" jawabannya jadi ayam dong?
Ada juga yang jawab ayam lebih dulu, alasannya karena telur butuh dierami, baru bisa menetas. Lah kalau gitu, itu ayam yang mengerami telur asalnya dari mana?

Hmm, kalau ada pertanyaan itu jadi inget Luna Lovegood di buku Harry Potter ke-7.

Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?” said the beak of the eagle.
“Hmm … What do you think, Harry?” said Luna, looking thoughtful.
“What? Isn’t there a password?”
“Oh no, you’ve got to answer a question,” said Luna.
“What if you get it wrong?”
“Well, you have to wait for somebody who gets it right,” said Luna. “That way you learn, you see?”
“Yeah … Trouble is, we can’t really afford to wait for anyone else, Luna.”
“No, I see what you mean,” said Luna seriously. “Well then, I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning.”
“Well reasoned,” said the voice, and the door swung open.
Source: www.toprankblog.com

Dipikir-pikir, bener juga. Itu kan siklus.

sik·lus n putaran waktu yg di dalamnya terdapat rangkaian kejadian yang berulang-ulang secara tetap dan teratur; daur;

Rangkaian kejarian yang berulang-ulang secara tetap dan teratur. Tetap dan teratur. Sampai kapanpun tetep aja akan selalu seperti itu (kecuali mungkin ketika ada suatu faktor yang membuat siklus itu terputus). Nggak ada awalnya kan? Kecuali kalau itu diagram yang dimulai dari (x,y).


Life Soundtrack (shuffle game)

Opening Credits:
Boy With A Coin - Iron And Wine

Waking Up:
Sweet And Low - Augustana
Hold me down, sweet and low :) Seharusnya ini sih jadi lagu pengantar tidur aja haha.

First Day of School:

If So - Atlas Genius

Falling in Love:
Train Song - Feist & Ben Gibbard
Masa ini sih??? :(:(:(

Fight Song:
Irish Girl - The Trees And The Wild

Ghost Tonight - Chairlift
I'm a ghost tonight B) Cocok juga nih...

Breath Of Life - Florence + The Machine
Waduh... Katanya lagu ini tuh terinspirasi sama Ratu Ravenna di film Snow White And The Huntsman. Florence Welch-nya sendiri yang bilang; "The Queen is just this incredible character; so hungry for life but so dead inside. She's sort of eternal, but inside there's nothing. She's kind of like charcoal or something. She has this thirst for youth and for life, but for what kind of life? This darkness, but she's so beautiful, so it's this kind of juxtaposition between beauty and, ultimately, death."
Masa saya seperti ituuuuu? asdh@#6553#679)!bjhwd

Mental Breakdown:
Champagne Year - St. Vincent
I'll make a living telling people what they want to hear....................

Modern Nature - Sondre Lerche

Help, I'm Alive - Metric
My heart keeps beating like a hammer setiap kali flashback? Udah enggak kelesss

Getting Back Together:
Who Knows Who Cares - Local Natives

Losing Your Virginity:
Joy - Ellie Goulding
APAA?? Kalau judulnya doang sih bagus, tapi kalau sama lirik lagunya itu lho mbak, mas....

Berjalan Lebih Jauh - Banda Neira
Yah, semoga bisa terus menjelajah semua warna bersama :) :) :)

Birth of Child:
Stay Young, Go Dancing - Death Cab For Cutie
Aha!! Life is sweet in the belly of the beast. Literally, someday I will be the beast :)

Final Battle:
Senandung Maaf - White Shoes & The Couples Company
Tuh gue mah nggak suka berantem...

Death Scene:
Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation
Widih serem amat......

Funeral Song:
Asleep - The Smiths
Aih, suka banget.....

End Credits:
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me - She & Him
Ah, jadi meskipun filmnya udahan, tetap hold me, thrill me, and kiss me ya.. :)

Source: Tumblr.com

Turn the volume up and ignore the world.


Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward

Barusan nemu film pendek animasi ini, padahal film ini diupload 3 tahun yang lalu tapi saya baru lihat sekarang hahaha. Kalau yang belum nonton harus nonton hahaha kalau yang udah yaaa, nggak ada salahnya kaan nonton lagi hehe. Indah banget.. Btw, lagunya enak..